FAQs for ophthalmologists

Pioneering 3D printing for people living with eye loss

Our breakthrough solution marks a pivotal moment in empowering clinicians to prioritise patient care. We’re committed to providing and improving technology to deliver a superior prosthetic that is designed to be realistic, natural, and comfortable. What sets us apart is that we use a non-invasive method using imaging software, rather than the traditional method of using a mould.

By harnessing new technology, aesthetics are improved and it brings the prosthetic manufacturing time down by months. This time-saving technology allows you to devote more time guiding your patients through the emotional and practical aspects of eye loss, fostering understanding and acceptance. Our approach is collaborative, working closely with clinicians and patients to create prosthetics that empower and enrich the lives of everyone involved. Learn more about ocular prosthetics below.

C2P ocular prosthetics bio-mimic the fellow eye, recreating the shape of the iris in the prosthetic. Light is reflected in and out of the prosthetic, similar to the fellow eye, giving a very realistic appearance. Colour reproduction of the fellow eye is processed digitally to achieve a consistent colour accuracy.

The initial scan of the eye socket and fellow eye takes about 30 minutes. C2P ocular prosthetics are printed in batches on a 3D printer. Up to 41 patients can be printed in one batch. Each batch can take up to three hours to print, printing three slightly different shaped prosthetics to suit each patient. After printing the prosthetics need to be post processed ready for fitting. Turnaround times depend on batch frequency and the target delivery from click to fit is three weeks.

Patients must be able to present themselves to an AS-OCT machine to collect the unique patient data to design the C2P prosthesis. Most patients are suitable for the C2P process. Patients with nystagmus (twitch), strabismus (squint) or damage to the iris are not suitable for C2P. It takes three seconds to image the eye or socket, and the patient and patient’s eye must remain still for that period of examination time.

In England the C2P prosthesis is currently supplied via Moorfields Eye Hospital ocular prosthetics department. This service is provided to NHS patients. For non-NHS patients wishing to receive a private fitting service, please contact us to discuss.

The bespoke design of C2P prosthetics incorporates many different socket shapes. A database of eye shapes has been used to train the software that helps to design the output shape. Outlier shapes, that are seldom seen, are excluded from the training set; these outlier shapes are better managed on an individual basis.

A combination of moulding technique and scan of the fellow eye can be adopted in complex socket cases to provide both shape complexity and colour accuracy.

There are many cosmetic aspects relating to the design and function of an ocular prosthesis. Lid positions (both upper and lower resulting from surgery, treatment, or trauma) cannot always be corrected with an ocular prosthesis. It’s important to understand that a C2P prosthesis will have the same limitations as a handmade prosthesis with regard to achieving ideal overall facial appearance. Please consult with your ocularist for the best treatment plan.

Yes! The Vero resin material has been tested to an ISO 10993 standard and is suitable for long term use in contact with mucosal membrane. We have patients who have been wearing C2P prosthetics for over 12 months with no reported adverse events.

Some patients are more sensitive to living with an ocular prosthesis than others and may suffer from irritation. Patients should consult with their ocularist on after treatment options that may aid comfort.

Click2Print artificial eye clinical investigations were conducted in the clinical research facility at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London. The purpose of the trial was to prove if C2P artificial eyes are non-inferior to handmade acrylic prosthetics.

The trial recruited 40 patients who had experience of wearing an artificial eye for more than 12 months. Participants were recruited based on inclusion/exclusion criteria. Participants had a C2P prosthetic designed and manufactured, and final fitting and adjustment was performed by the Chief Ocularist. Participants were then randomised and allocated a prosthetic to wear for four months. Participants then switched to a comparator prosthetic which they wore for another four months.

Examinations for motility and cosmesis were compared between the two prosthetic types. Full results were published in December 2023.

Click2Print AE is a digital end to end design and manufacturing process for ocular prostheses. It is a three-stage process.

1 – Click – The first stage of the design of the ocular prosthesis involves capturing the unique patient data required to design a bespoke prosthesis.

Following an initial consultation with your ocularist and fitment of a custom conformer, the patient is required to present to a medical device via a chin rest and head support. The device is an anterior segment OCT that measures the front of the eye. A scan of the eye socket is captured with the custom conformer in situ which takes three seconds.

The custom conformer is removed then next a colour calibrated image and scan of the fellow eye is captured. This takes three seconds. A dataset is then ready for processing.

2 – The second stage is the design of the ocular prosthesis. The unique patient dataset is processed through a software medical device called Cuttlefish:Eye. The software generates three bespoke prosthetics unique in colour and shape designed for you.

The colour of each prosthesis is identical however the shape varies slightly between each model. Your ocularist will fit each shape and select the best fit for fine tuning and supply. Alternatively, in complex socket shapes a combination of shape and fellow eye data can be combined to produce an output.

3 Print – The final stage is that the machine code is sent in batches to a full colour polyjet 3D printer for production. Up to 41 patient datasets can be printed in one batch. Print time is about three hours per batch. After printing, the prosthetics go through a series of post processing steps and quality checks. A set of prosthetics is then dispatched to the dispensing clinic for fitting and final adjustment.

C2P Artificial Eyes is a series medical device production system that operates to ISO 13485 medical device standards.

To talk about opportunities in adopting the C2P service in your region, please contact us.

Correct implant sizing selection will improve patient outcomes. Sometimes selecting a 22mm implant will not leave sufficient room in the anophthalmic socket to fit an artificial eye with sufficient depth to offer the patient the benefits of a C2P prosthesis. A minimum depth of 5mm from the apex of the prosthesis cornea to the conjunctival mating surface is required to fit the iris and pupil structure within the prosthesis model. Patients should consult with their ocularist for the ideal patient treatment plan.

Not yet! 3D printing in silicone is always improving though so watch this space…

We believe over time the software algorithm that determines shape, with the help of real patient shape data, will continually improve. At the moment, we see very similar results in motility between handmade prosthetics and C2P prosthetics. There is still a lot to learn about shape, fit and function.

The socket heals for six weeks with the insertion of a conformer. After six weeks the patient can attend the ocular prosthesis clinic for fitment of a temporary prosthetic eye.

Ocupeye does not currently offer temporary ‘stock’ prosthetic eyes however the patient’s ocularist may be able to supply these.

Ocupeye is only just scratching the surface of medical devices in the ophthalmic industry. For future product development opportunities, contact us.